Mitchell’s Scaffolding Ltd

SAFEContractor Accreditation

Top Safety Accreditation for Mitchell's Scaffolding Ltd

We have recently received Accreditation from SAFEContractor, a programme which recognises very high standards of health and safety practise amongst UK Contractors.

SAFEContractor is operated by international safety, health and environmental risk management specialists, the National Britannia Group.  The system is applicable to most sectors - but particularly users of contract services.

Darren Hughes, Operations Director for SAFEContractor at National Britannia said, "Major organisations can no longer run the risk if employing contractors who are not able to prove that they have sound health and safety policies".

"More companies need to understand the importance of adopting good risk management in the way that Mitchell's Scaffolding Ltd has done.  The firm's high standard has set an example"

Under the SAFEContractor system, businesses undergo a vetting process, which examines health and safety procedures and their track record for safe practice.

Companies meeting the required high standard are included on the database on the SAFEContractor Web Site.

6th February 2010, 9:57

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