Mitchell’s Scaffolding Ltd

New Office 1

Over Crowded office
Yard re-Shuffel
Yard Re-Shuffel 2
Yard Re-Shuffel 3
Unfortunately the cabins that we went to look at in Leeds were in a poor state and not suitable for our much needed office space.
Stuart Mitchell MD has taken the decision to construct his own.Over crowding in the Office has become a priority and the need for additional room is top of the list.
1) Fork lift Hired in to begin moving the scaffold equipment.
2) Yard Re-shuffle is now under way
We would pick the coldest morning in weeks to start but its all in a good cause
3) The scaffolder's will get an area of their own with full exclusive canteen facility's, Drying Room Fridge Microwave and the all important Brewing Facilities.

4) Stuart Mitchell is going to get a proper private office space where he can host meetings and  meet with clients without the constant interruption.

5) And the ladies of the company will get the space to undertake their work.
So watch this space more images as it happens  
28th February 2014, 8:35

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Page updated 28th Feb 2014, 08:35

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