Mitchell’s Scaffolding Ltd

Scaffolding Services

St Marys Pase 2 Finished (6)web

Mitchell's Scaffolding Ltd offer a wide and diverse variety of scaffolding services. This means that an equally wide and diverse variety of projects are completed with our help; from hospitals to learning establishments and everything in between, we can design and supply the most effective scaffolding solutions tailored to individual specifications.

Wesham Hospital, Kirkham 

Over a period of several years, the facade of Wesham Hospital building has suffered from slight movement issues. To prevent any further movement and render the building safe for use, a shoring-up remedial project was proposed which necessitated the erection of scaffolding.

Mitchell's Scaffolding Ltd designed and delivered a complete scaffolding solution for the project. As the structure was required to stand for more than 12 months, a particularly substantial design was required. Scaffold inspections take place every week to ensure everything is in order and fencing has been erected around the site to prevent unauthorised access.

St Mary's College, Blackburn

Extensive repointing work was required to the facade and chimney stack of St Mary's College, necessitating scaffolding which was constructed in three phases. The college is located in a residential area and so hoarding to the full base on both elevations was quickly put in place, along with effective debris netting. A gated entry point offers secure access, negating the need for constant removal and reattachment of the fixings.

Wherever the building and whatever the project, Mitchell's Scaffolding Ltd have got the right solution. Browse our portfolio to see more examples of the diverse work we do and get in touch with our team for information and advice.

20th December 2018, 11:56

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