Mitchell’s Scaffolding Ltd

Bespoke Suspended Scaffolding Improves Workplace Safety

Scunthorpe 003 web

Health & Safety in the workplace is of paramount importance. One of the biggest dangers in any workplace is that posed by the risk of fire: one of the first lines of defence against a blaze is a sprinkler system. When one such system was proposed at a food production factory, Mitchell's Scaffolding Ltd was called upon to design and implement a suspended scaffolding structure.

Based in Scunthorpe, the premises of Two Sisters Food Group comprises a large central warehouse as well as areas dedicated to maintenance and administration. Though part of an extensive refurbishment project, the new sprinkler system was the most major aspect and the work was scheduled to be carried out in two distinct phases.

Operatives from Mitchell's Scaffolding Ltd decided that the massive scale of the project, along with the way in which the scaffolding structure was to be positioned, meant that aluminium tubing was the best option. The first phase involved erecting scaffold around a doorway used by forklift trucks, ensuring that complete operational access was maintained.

An opening was specifically created to allow our operatives to freely move scaffolding kit into the roof space; all of the scaffolding tubing was lifted manually. Before assembly could begin, the equipment first had to be transferred to the required area, involving a considerable distance which was the equivalent to the length of three football pitches. Additional walkways were provided as necessary. After the sprinkler system was installed, all of the scaffolding was quickly dismantled and removed.

Find out more about our work on our website and get in touch with us to discuss your bespoke scaffolding requirements.

23rd September 2019, 12:03

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