Mitchell’s Scaffolding Ltd

Estate Agent

Location: Reeds Rains, Blackburn, Lancashire

Case study

Blackburn Estate Agents

The initial site visit highlighted the requirements and potential problems that could arise as a result of the buildings location.

The Front elevation was kerbside to a busy main road, pedestrian walkway with limited time parking bays, though the rear of the property stood in its own ground on a private classification road.

To ensure the work was carried out with pedestrian safety uppermost. Following production of the specific risk assessment contact was made to the highways to organise the scaffolding permit, followed by a call to the highways parking team and a dispensation  was arranged. Given the public right of way across the front elevation netting was to be installed to prevent any debris from causing problems.

The rear had no such restrictions but did present its own access problems from the restricted size and shape and the various ground levels.

 To ensure the decoration could proceed to schedule the scaffold was not phased with all levels boarded out allowing all trades to work simultaneously.  


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